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Created: 2023-12-19 03:40:10.302489 UTC

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"Name: QuickCheck\nVersion: 2.14.3\nCabal-Version: >= 1.10\nBuild-type: Simple\nLicense: BSD3\nLicense-file: LICENSE\nCopyright: 2000-2019 Koen Claessen, 2006-2008 Bj\195\182rn Bringert, 2009-2019 Nick Smallbone\nAuthor: Koen Claessen <[email protected]>\nMaintainer: Nick Smallbone <[email protected]>\nBug-reports: https://github.com/nick8325/quickcheck/issues\nTested-with: GHC ==7.0.4 || ==7.2.2 || >= 7.4\nHomepage: https://github.com/nick8325/quickcheck\nCategory: Testing\nSynopsis: Automatic testing of Haskell pr"

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