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"module Main (main) where\n\nimport Data.List (unfoldr, foldl')\nimport System.Random.SplitMix32\n\ndoubles :: SMGen -> [Float]\ndoubles = unfoldr (Just . nextFloat)\n\nmonteCarloPi :: SMGen -> Float\nmonteCarloPi = (4 *) . calc . foldl' accum (P 0 0) . take 50000000 . pairs . doubles\n where\n calc (P n m) = fromIntegral n / fromIntegral m\n\n pairs (x : y : xs) = (x, y) : pairs xs\n pairs _ = []\n\n accum (P n m) (x, y) | x * x + y * y >= 1 = P n (m + 1)\n | otherwise = P (n + "

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